Chicken in White Wine & Orange Reduction
Hello, everyone! Has it been a busy week, or what? This small blog you guys kindly visit from time to time looks a little different, doesn’t it? I had a fews days off work so I thought it’d be a good idea to do some serious blog remodelling. Let me tell you, not as easy as it sounds.
I am definitely not tech savvy. At all! I am one of those people who thinks printers are going to paper cut me to death in my sleep, Xerox machines are pure evil and phones have a mind of their own. Call me old-fashioned, but technology and I don’t get along very well.
Despite the fact that technology and I have a very strange love-hate relationship, I figured remodelling the blog couldn’t be as hard as people make it sound. I mean, other people have successfully done it in the past, right? Man, was I wrong. I had never watched so many YouTube tutorials in my life. Thank you YouTubers of the world for making my life a little easier more than once this past week! Really, thank you! But, even though those tutorials were extremely helpful, they might as well had been in Chinese. I had no idea what they were talking about half the time. Terms like servers, codes, databases, domains and 404 errors will forever hunt my dreams now. I used to consider syncing my iPod without accidentally deleting all the songs to be a very high-tech task. Pfft. Not anymore.
To be honest, even though the learning process was immensely frustrating at times, I’m happy I gave it a shot. There are still a few things in need of some (serious) tweaking here and there but I’m slowly getting there. Hope you are enjoying One Prickly Pear’s new look so far, though. It’ll slowly look better and better. Promise. Well, I hope.
Enough technology talk for today. Let’s talk food. Oh, yeah! How does tender chicken in a lovely white wine & orange reduction sound to you? Yum, right? We’re celebrating I made it through this week of blog remodelling in one piece. So, I wanted to share with you all a fancy-ish, but oh-so-easy-to-make recipe. It’s always nice to have an effortless, fancy-ish meal after a long week of hard work, don’t you think? Let’s do this!

- 4 chicken breasts or 8 chicken drumsticks
- 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil
- ½ cup of white wine
- ¾ cup of freshly squeezed orange juice
- 1 orange, cut in thin slices
- 2 pounds of baby potatoes
- Salt and white pepper, to taste
- Heat oil in pan. Pat dry chicken with paper towel and season with salt and pepper.
- Place chicken in hot pan. Lightly brown chicken.
- Add white wine. Scrape off all those delicious brown bits from the bottom of the pan. Turn heat down to low.
- Add orange juice. Cover and let simmer for 10 minutes.
- Add potatoes. Cover chicken and potatoes with the orange slices. The slices should form a sort of "lid". Allow to simmer until chicken and potatoes are done.
- Remove chicken, potatoes and orange slices from pan.
- Boil the orange and white wine sauce on high heat until it reduces by half. Season with salt and pepper. Remove from heat.
- Add chicken back in. Baste the chicken with the orange/white wine reduction.
- Serve hot. Enjoy!
- When picking a white wine for this dish, pick one that has strong citrus notes so that it doesn't clash with the orange juice but complements it rather.
- I like to leave the skin on the chicken when making this for all those chicken skin lovers in my family, but feel free to remove it if you don't like it.
- I like to peel half the potatoes and leave the other half as is. It makes for great presentation and pleases everyone.
- One way to tell if the chicken is done when you don't have a thermometer is by poking it with a fork. If you poke it and the juices that come out run clear, your chicken is done.
Bon appetit!
Yum – that sounds delicious! And the blog design looks great! (I know how complicated the behind-the-scenes work can get…). Got all ingredients for the Thai carrot soup and will make it tonight.

nicole ( recently posted Beef, Broccoli and Plantain Stir Fry. Yum!
Thank you, Nicole!
Let me know how the soup turns out. I always get super nervous when someone tries one of my recipes. Hope you like it
It’s delicious! I made it this afternoon and tried a bowl of it already. It’s got a great multi-dimensional flavor and also looks really beautiful!
nicole ( recently posted Beef, Broccoli and Plantain Stir Fry. Yum!
Yay! Glad you liked it! It does look beautiful, doesn’t it?
Considering your aversion to technology, I think your blog looks great! But I feel your pain with the whole remodeling thing. When I switched my blog to its current theme, for some reason I had it in my head that switching themes was gonna be as simple as flipping a light switch…it definitely was not. I spent an entire weekend talking to support for the theme and for my hosting company. This dish looks amazing btw…since I’m no longer scared of fruit and all

Christine | No Gojis No Glory recently posted Chicken & Peach Quesadillas with Honey-Lime Dipping Sauce. Yum!
Thanks, Christine!
I know exactly what you mean. People at support know me on a first name basis now. Haha. See, fruit is not as scary as it looks
Wow! This looks like the kind of thing that they serve in 5* restaurants! I am always so basic with my chicken dishes…this really inspires me to add dimensions of new flavours! Thanks for the cake comment, it made my day! Great pictures too. I look forward to keeping up with your blog Anna! x
Tash recently posted Layered Almond Madeira cake with Fresh Peaches and Vanilla Buttercream. Yum!
Aw, thank you, Tash! 5* restaurant? Really? Best complement ever! Very glad to hear this dish inspired you
And, you’re very welcome. Your post triggered a serious craving for cake
I used google and youtube A LOT when I designed my blog! It was so time consuming and I faced so many frustrations. lol. Some people don’t realize how much work it takes to change a few things on a blog. It was all worth it though.
Anyway, this chicken dish looks delicious! I think I might even have all of the ingredients to make it. I’m definitely pinning this!
Polly @ Tasty Food Project recently posted Friday Favorites! Edition 15. Yum!
I used to do my blog design on my own, and it was so time consuming I had to pay someone finally. It’s a tough gig, and I appreciate what you’ve done — it looks great! I’m not so tech savvy either, but I try.
Marcie recently posted Mint Chocolate Mocha Profiteroles {Farmer’s Market Friday}. Yum!
Thanks, Marcie! Time consuming, indeed.
Lol, I’m so not tech savy either Anna but your blog looks awesome! Especially the pics of such a winter friendly dish. Citrus and chicken are always a lovely combination. And yeah…thank god for YouTube!
Thanks, Jem!
If I could, I’d send YouTube a fruit basket or flowers or something. Haha.